I’m in a hair-segue right now – that’s right, other than the emotional, mental and intellectual ones that happen every week, this one boggles my upstairs in very different ways.
The last time I sported hair anywhere longer than the nape of my neck was when I was 18 and foolish and didn’t have my priorities quite in order. In other words, back then, it was okay to have to spend 10 minutes of my precious morning running a comb through my untameable, chaotic cap of hair.
All that is well and good, except that the task usually followed barely waking up at 9 am (my roommate was the only one that successfully testified to it, on account of my eyes being open), rushing to the dorm bathrooms and finding them devoid of water, hurtling down to the cookhouse and draining the last drops from the tank, both only made possible by that thing called gravity, carrying my well-earned reward up two flights of stairs, engaging in a really quick cleansing ritual and donning the only pieces of clothing that seemed to vaguely match each other and that could be lugged out of the pile of washed garments with minimum effort.
So, it’s bad enough that I now gotta remember to brush my hair, straighten it on a bad day, pin it up on a worse one and even use an annoying butterfly clip sometimes (which looks uncannily Pebbles-like). And the constant 25 mph winds in Philly certainly don’t help (though I must admit there’s a certain sail-like quality -- I seem to be flowing easier with the wind, not necessarily in the direction I am headed, but pleasurable nonetheless ;)).
As it happens in a variety of these experiments, when you change one thing, you gotta change a whole lot of others to avoid the “cartoon effect”, if you will. So, the past year I have added more than just some length to that mane: clips and hair accessories pervade an area once restricted to a couple of hair brushes, which didn’t get used a lot (running of the fingers is all the grooming a short coiffure really needs – the close-cropped men of the world will vouch for that). Now, to describe them as ‘accessories’ is actually a misnomer, cos when the jumbled mass on your head is growing in all possible directions at uneven lengths and skewed angles, waving where it isn’t supposed to, curling where it strictly shouldn’t, and sticking up in bristles when it should bend down and grow with its cousins, a half dozen hair slides, a wrap and an elastic band become essential.
The costume jewelry that follows, however, could be classified as accessorizing. Your ear lobe now feels insecure with just a little stud earring to keep it company. It was all good when your hair was minding its boundaries, but not when it’s flailing all over your face and stifling your essential senses. Same reason why you go and get your nose pierced. And flaunt it till you finally realize that it defies all of humankind’s most innate reflexes – picking, sneezing, scratching, breathing, to mention just a few.
Sometimes you gotta do things in life that make it a little more complicated than it is...It gets boring when it’s too easy...When Destiny starts doing her job herself, that’s when you cut back :)
Egotism ....a lifelong romance
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Trials and tribulations of the long-haired mane
Posted by Karthika at Sunday, April 09, 2006
Labels: Pet Peeves
And I thought I had just heard you say, "I wouldnt want to change 'me'".
Not good.
On a side-note, try to refrain from using smileys/emoticons in your posts. Why not leave it upto the reader to get a feel for the humour/emotion. Great writers don't need the help of a chat-like style, you know. Just my two cents and the perfectionist in me... :)
hmmm, you have a point about the emoticons. I've just been in the virtual world so long, I'd forgotten writing was just about the pen and paper :D You're right, words are all a good writer really needs to convey her message to the sophisticated reader and i can safely say that my regular readers are more than sophisticated :) [cant refrain from them in the comments section tho']
Now to the "change me". I know we've had this discussion a million times before and I cant say this enough. Physical appearance has nothing to do with a person's nature. it is merely the shell outside of the quintessence. i could be bald or have hair that stretches to four feet, I am still "me"! it's what's inside the head that does or does not change me :)
OK, maybe I read into it incorrectly, but you said: "I might change my views and opinions (albeit reluctantly) as times change and situations change but i wouldnt want to change 'me'".
I thought, the second part of that statement, i.e. "changing me", referred to a physical appearance (the first part about views and opinions obviously referring to the mind). So the conclusion being that you couldn't care less about your physical appearance (and rightly so), and what matters more is the inner personality.
After reading this post and the preceding comment, I just thought your reasoning contradicts the earlier statement of your own.
hmmm, looks like my words aren't quite enough to get my point across ;)
nope, what i meant by 'change my views and opinions' was slight changes to temporal and spatial phases in life that would allow me to adapt to different scenarios -- a very good example would be while in india i would want the salesgirl to just hand me the medicine, accept my money and go on her way. Here, if she doesn't smile and ask me how I am doing (albeit clear from the prescription tylenol i am purchasing) I'd be pretty annoyed at her lack of social skills :)
So, my opinion/view on greeting people has changed to be able to better adapt to a people-philic society, but when i visit india, i'd revert to the "old" me temporally and spatially. Just my way of living in a dynamic society and making life a little easier for me and the people around me :) nothin as complicated as growing out one's hair ;)
You got that right. I thought the actual feed was this thursday :-).
Yeah, you owe me a Sampras match now for getting me all excited ;)
I wish he’d play on grass tho’...
Hmmm :-w. To me it seems like you may have conveniently twisted the meaning of 'changing my views and opinions' to mean something 'temporal and spatial'. ;) But since I myself tend to lose my train of thoughts fairly quickly, I shall give you your due......NO, what am I saying!? ;)
gee, and after i explained it with a relevant example! why is it so hard to comprehend? what do people mean by the term "progressive" if they're going to stick to one view from cradle to grave w/o ever modifying it even slightly to suit the time and place they live in?
Anyway, this requires a post in itself, so i'll refrain from dissecting it here.
Why would I go against being progressive? That was not the point at all. (Also, that example is hardly progressive, in my terms). Aside from the fact that I was partially pulling your leg (talk about 'comprehension' now!), I guess my point was not so much as the changes in views and opinions themselves, but the 'amount' of that change (or the quantity, if you will). Lately, a few of your blogs seem to wander away a little bit from some of the hard-line stances you used to take a couple of years back. Maybe 'amused' is a better word for me to describe my feeling.
But, oh well, you are still a frickin good writer alright, so whether or not I agree/disagree with anything eventually becomes a moot point.
We shall await your continued dissections.
Quoting Atool, Lately, a few of your blogs seem to wander away a little bit from some of the hard-line stances you used to take a couple of years back.
Hmmm, I dont know about that. I am still the die-hard, black-&-white, no-grays libertarian you once knew :) But if you've noticed, my only consistent policy is "incorporation of change" as and when you see fit. My insistence on making life as convenient as possible does not allow me to hold on to a rigid principle for principle-sake, esp when it no longer fulfills the need I originally adopted it for.
dont you see -- it's the most pragmatic way to live!!!
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