Egotism ....a lifelong romance

Saturday, August 06, 2005

To yell or not to yell..

At the ripe old age of 20, I remember bursting into tears trying to convince a group of likewise twenty-somethings why smoking should be allowed in public; it’s funny that while something as trivial as trying to establish the rights of smokers when I hadn’t so much as touched a cigarette my entire life so easily induced the water works, more real problems like being thrown out of the college dorm didn’t so much as dampen an eyelash.

My arguments --- and I have had plenty of them in 26 odd years--- almost always end in vehement shouting or frustrated tears; in either case, I would usually have had the last word (or shriek as the case may be). For as long as I can remember, I have had this compulsive need to convince people to not only see my point of view but also see it as the ‘only’ one. Pretty ironical for a person that does not believe in a little book of laws that claim to know right from wrong.

Something my old roomie and good pal, Vidy has often said to me comes to mind. Her contention is that I am not the “open minded” soul I claim to be. I might be unfazed by gay people making out in public or anarchists smoking in the non-smoking sections of restaurants, but I am certainly more than just a tad disdainful of those that don’t eat meat because of religious reasons, those that don’t know what NAFTA stands for, painstakingly carb-conscious people, fanatical environmentalists (painstakingly and fanatical being the operative words) and teetotalers. And while I would go all out to applaud the woman that holds her own in an argument, is fairly well-informed about world affairs and puts career before men, I could never for the life of me respect a girl that depends on a guy to earn her daily bread or fix her car. And the list of people I scorn, of course, is endless, leaving me insulated in my own little world of libertarian, agnostic, pro-choice, pro-gay, pro-marijuana, fast-car-loving, euthanasia-touting esotericism. Okay, that’s too much evidence for me to wink at; I am close-minded -- only on the opposite side of the spectrum. And the big difference would be that because I don’t advocate that the world be ruled according to my interests, I allow the far-right-extremist as full a life as I allow myself.

I have never been one to shy away from the fact that I can be a formidable human being ----so I admit that the tears and the shouting and the scorn are certainly a thing of character, but I also like to shift blame wherever possible --- and what I am increasingly coming to realize is that it is a “viewpoint” thing as well. In other words a set of human beings that share a certain viewpoint seem to have a very similar way of expressing it.

Yeah, if you’re thinking this is just another one of my million posts about me, me, me, you’re wrong (though you would have been right the rest of the million times minus one). I may look at the world through my little keyhole, but I try to look out at as much as possible through it :)

If you have made a careful observation (or sat in front of broadcast news 24/7 for a week), you would agree with my theory: the person that says a big corporate giant should be protected from needless taxes almost always screams it, while the one that says the poor man on the street should be fed almost always says it quietly. I don’t know if something as outrageous as protecting the rights of the rich, mean, immoral man in the penthouse suite of a skyscraper falls to decibels for conviction and feeding the bedraggled individual on the sidewalk is basic human instinct, but there’s got to be a deeper meaning.

Hawkeyejo, my floating friend in cyberspace gleaned this piece of information from the worldly wise web, which, among other things, notes, “libertoids (are) every bit as closed-minded, zealous, and ideologically blinkered as the religious conservatives whom so many of them dislike

If you have ever watched a libertarian like Jonathan Hoening on a show like The Cost of Freedom and almost reached out to touch the intensity of his beliefs, you’ll agree with the above assessment. While I belong to that subset of libertoids that go about life airing their inconsequential opinions to anyone that would care to listen, I have noted with some surprise, bordering on awe, that my democratic, liberal friends are usually content to make their point and then grant a benevolent “sure” to my obviously opposing views (and believe me, I need much more than “sure”). Same reason why a left-winger like Alan Colmes sits and quietly takes the mentally deranged Sean Hannity’s cloistered opinions. Or that the democratic camp boasts of a solitary Dean or Moore while the Republican camp is filled with hannities, o’reillies, coulters and limbaughs.

The reason democrats are so incredibly passive as politicians (think Kerry), talk show hosts and human beings is that they are progressive and open to “all points of view” (which unfortunately include such diverse sounds as Ann Coulter’s whining and Bono’s musical lyrics). The republicans on the other hand are meant to be crass and insulated, which in celluloid terms, translates as hanging on to a viewpoint and repeatedly saying, “you are wrong”.

Breaking it down, the Republican’s world-view is a keyhole, the libertarian’s world-view is himself and the democrat’s world-view is the entire world (they are now looking to add Mercury, Venus, Mars and that behemoth, Jupiter). Thus the democrat’s dilemma is not a new phenomenon but the inherent crisis associated with the proverbial cat on the wall.

My two-pence: stick to the black or white and scream your heart out…..venture into the grays and prepare yourself for a lifetime of no yelling….


Anonymous said...

You've certainly been prolific of late. All for the better I must say. You deserve a show on cable news. One more 'Pundit' wouldn't hurt anyone (well, no more than the others in any case).

Incidentally, I have officially moved beyond the world of politics, so I will (and do) agree with whatever you say about it - or anyone else says about it. Is that great or what?

Anonymous said...

jeeeeeee-zuz christ! where's you movin to from politics? to jeesus christ! i hope not ;)

anyways, as long as you agree with whatever i say --- will be kinda like hannity and colmes :D

i'll get a slot on fox ;)

BULLSEYE said...

The way I see it, this could be anywhere from truly enlightening to completely pointless and stupid.

Anonymous said...

you've jus described every essay ever written in history.

FSN 3.0 said...

Rights of Smokers?

What about the rights of non-smokers?

When you say smoking allowed in public - do you mean allowed to be seen in public?

I dont think people will have problems if smokers go around with overturned fishbowls on their heads, and smoke inside that.

Do we really need people blowing smoke in our faces?

After reading your post on Bill Maher, I watched 'I'm Swiss' yesterday on HBO. Man the guy's certainly outspoken eh?

Couldn't help but wonder how somebody like that would fare in India...

Karthika said...

hey again, fierysinews...
in my defense, i was twenty and foolish when i defended the rights of smokers...i'm still for designated smoking areas in public tho; second hand smoke didn't kill anyone.
i jus dont think smokers should be penalized if they want to smoke their lungs out...its their choice and their right as long as they dont come and blow it in my mouth..

as for bill M, i'm thinkin he might fare better in india--- cos we aren't as religiously fanatical and certainly less politically correct...tho he did get fired even in this country for his comment on 9-11; in india he'd pretty much be unemployed ;)

FSN 3.0 said...

We aren't exactly religiously fanatical but picture this.

Bill Maher says something about the BJP being the way it is because A.B.Vajpayee probably hasn't gotten laid in over 30 years, if at all.

Or he says something about the RSS being the crackpot sociopathic organization it really is.

I doubt they'll let somebody get away with it. Political satire is not exactly embraced in our country, is it.

I have heard others such as Leno, Letterman , Conan make fun of Dubya, but Oh my god - never so explicitly.

[I still can't believe he passed that comment about 9/11]
Since you call yourself Libertarian - I was wondering, could you please elaborate on the differences being a liberal, a conservative liberal, a Left Liberal and libertarian.Most of Maher's views seem to go the Liberal way, except for the Death Penalty and Civil Unions.

As for the 'rights' of smokers - as long as they are poisoning my air, they ain't got no rights.

Lets find something in the 'great big american book of answers'and book em a one way trip to hell.

Just wondering here - have you ever tried being around a constant smoker? It is way worse than annoying - second hand smoking actually gave me a bronchial infection and it wasn't pretty.
Of course it was still my choice breathing that air, but there was no real alternative was there?

Sorry about flooding your comments page - you seem opinionated (in your own opinion) and I'd love to hear what you have to say.

Anonymous said...

nah, it'll be Hannity and the Smiling Buddha. And I am duly insulted that you compared me to that pansy.

Anonymous said...

hey fierysinews, i'm pouncing at the rare chance of someone actually asking for my opinion --- and since i've got one too many things to say, they're on their way on orkut :D

Anonymous said...

gee sid, I am offended that you jus presumed I was hannity ;) btw, the “pansy” is certainly more vocal than the smiling Buddha will ever be! take it or leave it...

Second thought: or did you mean the nuclear weapon? In dat case you’re right on ;)

Anonymous said...

Another pseudo intellectual...just what the world needs..if theres something worse then a republican its a pseudo liberal who pretends to be liberal by merely protesting everything...out of curiosity, what have you got against environmentalists anyways?

Anonymous said...

I believe in personal freedom and choice---it's a short life we lead on this earth, I want to live it w/o people telling me what car to drive, where to smoke my cigarettes (if i ever decide to) and what to eat.
and if you noticed, I said "fanatical" ---those that recycle their soda cans are awesome, those that come up to me and chide me for using plastic bags are getting annoyingly close to stealing my civil liberties.