Egotism ....a lifelong romance

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Kerry trumps Colbert

To all those Kerry-bashers out there who go on about him being stiff and slow, not being spontaneous or unable to deliver a joke (though the Swiss boat veterans would swear that a lot worse can be spun about him), I think he answered, and then some, on The Colbert Report last night.

Colbert, who’s modus operandi is to pounce on his democratic guests from the moment he prances up to them and capitalize on the head start and prepared notes thereon, was, to say the least, stumped (don't get me wrong -- I think Colbert is awesome, I just think often times he relies too much on that tongue in his cheek). Kerry’s sharp repartees just kept coming. He even threw in a little self-deprecatory humor with the “I was against it [the environment] before I was for it.”

Sure, he left out a word in a carefully crafted joke at last year’s California campaign fiasco, but he seems to have little trouble enunciating when the words are his own.

It’s always good to see a politician break the mold of serious, suave, no-frills diction and indulge in some good-natured humor (think McCain on SNL and Bill Clinton’s Final Days bit at the 2000 Correspondents’ dinner).