Egotism ....a lifelong romance

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Can he do no wrong?

Upon reading this NYT article, I got to wondering if Barack Obama could actually do any wrong in the eyes of the people. The essay describes the “lower key” adopted by Obama in his campaign speeches in small-town America. As opposed to the rock-star image attributed to him, mostly thanks to his keynote address at the ’04 DNC, this Barack is, according to Iowans themselves, “peaceful” and “like a professor.”

And I, for my part, must admit that after all these months of criticizing Obama’s close-to-zero experience to hold the highest office in the nation (an opinion I still strongly adhere to), am going to buy into some of the Obama hype – mostly courtesy of his showing on David Letterman last night.

We all know he is unlike any other politician (some would say he is barely one). But yesterday he delineated himself even more with his spot-on, quick-witted humor.

“Which order are we talking about?” he leaned forward to clarify on Letterman’s suggestion that the Hillary-Obama ticket would be a powerful one, stimulating a round of crowd applause, just one of his many repartees that sent the audience roaring.

Not over the top smart-alecky, yet not drearily cautious. Letterman said he’d vote for his suit. Me, I am going for the charming banter.


Anonymous said...

Guess not - have you read his books? The problem is he is a trendsetter (of the good kind) with a clean slate. He reminds of King Arthur who was literaly too good to be true. Is he really the need of the hour or a welcome change? But then Hillary reminds me of Queen Sheba too!

Karthika said...

naah, I dont think Barack Obama is anywhere as close to enticing as most people think he is. And I certainly dont think he's ready to be president. the debate just proved it.
I dont think I'm ever going to pick up his book. He's articulate, sure, but I guess that could just as well be because we've heard Bush say "nucular" for the past six years.

Sure, he's not jaded by Washington, which means he could sit in a TV studio and criticize it (his sense of humor would come in handy), but he's certainly not ready to run the country....