Egotism ....a lifelong romance

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Rat Race is on...

Like Newt Gingrich said on Fox News Sunday, “...these candidates are running for an entire year — to get into a campaign to run for an entire year to get sworn in in January of 2009.”

Really! There’re so many candidates, it’s hard to keep track. It reminds me of the California recall election to replace the infamous Gray Davis (that prompted the Simpsons to do a powerful parody where practically everybody – including Homer - runs for Mayor of the town. Sitcoms and comedy shows can actually do away with the “creativity” department because the politicians seem to be doing the funny bit all on their own...Think Dean’s scream and Allen’s makaka moment).

As for ’08, there are the stars, of course, led by Hillary and Barack Obama (who’s unseated Edwards from the throne of “purty face”, which, ironically enough, has given the latter more credibility. Also, recall that he wins in the experience and age departments), followed closely by Rudy (go Giulliani!) and McCain. Of the front running Gippers, one’s too libertarian and the other’s too pro-war.

Then there are the candidates lurking in the shadows, just waiting to pounce at a political gaffe; Biden has already had a shot at that with his patronizing comment on fellow contender Barack (a la Kerry, he has a wide open mouth with too many words), Mitt Romney proclaims he’s going to give the republicans what they want (and he might be the only one considering he’s the sole social conservative running). Bill Richardson probably has good prospects considering his foreign policy experience and he can ride on that wave that no senator has won the White House since JFK – more govs, anyone?