Egotism ....a lifelong romance

Saturday, October 02, 2004

And miles to go before I sleep....

I have promises to keep...
And miles to go before I sleep....

I seem to be doing a lot of that lately--- the sleep of course, and then the miles, for the little town of Fort Collins seems to have blown out of proportion from its originally estimated four streets and a reservoir, come chilly autumn and a half healing ankle.

Getting to the good part --the sleep---there are these phases in life when you go through the entire day in a rush as if the whole intention of waking up were to go back to sleep again. While having to graduate in a month and working twelve hours a day certainly doesn’t help that process, it sure as hell provides a clear incentive.

Anyway, since I decided about three months ago that I was going to get off the beaten path and do something about the one that has consistently occupied my dreams since eighth grade, I have taken living "hopefully" to a whole new level. I mean it is one thing to go through high school, thinking college would be splendid but an entirely different one to fervently wish that by some force of magic the micropipette in your hand would transform into a pen, while the white precipitate in the tube tries its dandiest best to convince you that it is indeed the blueprint of life that all scientists claim it to be. That theory seems lost on you momentarily for that gleaming little white glob might well be papyrus in some condensed form, to harbor the deluge of thoughts threatening to overflow. (Scientists don’t call it blueprint for nothing!)

Like my good pal described it quite eloquently the other day, "living for the future while letting the present pass you by". He said it just didn’t seem right and I agree, though I have never believed in a right and wrong. As long as it works for you, and you are not affecting the fellow-law-abiding-human-being next to you, hold on to it, I say. Nor do I believe in a set of rules to acquire happiness, if it ever chances to come your way.
Grab on to it, be it with twenty minutes of an unseen-unheard-soul online or shattering a ridiculously expensive piece of crystal, as long as it delivers.

That's why yesterday took me completely by surprise; in my attempt to battle with science I have been adopting numerous strategies, the simplest being "attacking it probabilistically". Since I don’t really seem to understand Science or logic, I decided that if I conducted the same experiment over and over and over again, chance has it that it would work at least that one all-important time.

And it did! But what I wasn't prepared for was the unparalleled ecstasy I felt on seeing it work. "What the #@##$%@#%^@#%^@%^!" It goes against the entire principle of my being --- "I can’t derive happiness from something I positively hate!"

But it happened all the same and I am one step (out of 100000000000000000000000000) closer to graduation.

Oh well, don’t ever attempt to play life by the rules......


Anonymous said...

you go girlfriend!
who said science was fun... Newton got lucky...and Archimedes just wasnt a clean fella I presume.. hold on to the micropipette for just a little longer...prob ur blue print reads SUCCESS!!!

Anonymous said...

Well i thot u needed a different perspective for this blog and hence my insight ;)
Science is what u make out of it. I have to say that i have bearly stepped into the world of research and i already face its tribulations. There are no winners or losers in the world of science......a true democracy!